Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 8, Pentecost Sunday: First Solemn High Mass of Fr. Robert Dow, F.S.S.P.

Fr. Robert Dow, F.S.S.P.
Sunday, June 8, 10:30 (AM)
for Pentecost Sunday

Celebrant: Rev. Fr. Robert Dow, F.S.S.P.

The Brother of the Little Oratory and Chorus Breviarii San Diego are delighted to sing for the first Solemn High Mass of Fr. Robert Dow, a newly ordained priest of the Fraternity of St. Peter. As many of you know, the F.S.S.P. is  a society of apostolic life dedicated to the preservation of the Traditional Latin Mass. Fr. Dow will offer his first Solemn High Mass on Pentecost Sunday, in the historic Serra Chapel at Mission San Juan Capistrano. The Brothers will sing the propers of Pentecost in Gregorian chant, while another choir and musicians will sing and play the ordinary in music of the old California missions.


Daniel Arseneault said...

Utinam ad mensam eius divinam cenare possem, cum ille domi meae cenaverit anno superiore. Sacerdos optimus erit, ut mihi videtur.

bedwere said...

Utinam quidem adesses, Daniel! Optime enim omnia evenerunt. Cura ut valeas in Domino.